Meditation Music
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S E X U A L E N E R G Y C O N T R O L T E C H N I Q U E S ![]() ![]() This technique is also known as coitus rezervatus (refraining the ejaculation) or karezza. Both lovers, changed between them the sexual energies, but they totally refrains themselves from the orgasm with discharging of sexual energy. The man admits to have the orgasm with ejaculation only when both lovers want to have a baby. This kind of sexual fusion was named by Dr. Stockham "coitus rezervatus" or "sublimated coitus". Karezza recommend also taking total breaks during the moments of intense erotic pleasure. During these breaks the erectile penis should remain immobile in the woman's vagina, while the lovers are enjoying the mutual transfer of the erotic energetic fluids. Dr. Stockham stated that by this technique it is achieved the youth and life prolongation. Also the vitality increases. For women, the control of sexual energy is often spontaneously and implies in very rarely cases a minimum training. For men, the sexual energy control and the stopping of the ejaculation for long periods (weeks, months, years) implies a gradually and perseverant training. Attention! The stopping of the sexual energy discharge, by the retaining within the body of the sexual fluids of both lovers doesn't lead to the impossibility of procreation. The man can have the orgasm with ejaculation when they want to have a baby. The researches proved even that in the case of the couple that have practiced the continence the babies are more health and vigorous. What is happened with the spermatic liquid of the man that practices the sexual continence? ![]() Far being harmful, a long time seminal retention leads to the biological transmutation of the sperm and make possible the sublimation of the huge resulted energy in the superior levels of the human being. This is happened moreover if the retention is accompanied by adequate techniques of raising energy in the superior levels of the human being such as yoga exercises, intense intellectual efforts etc. Therefore, by transmutation, the sperm is transformed in energy and it is not stock leading to the somatic disturbers. The benefic effects that accompany the practicing of the sexual continence are felt different according to the power centre (chakra) that was awaken and harmonized through sublimation of the sexual energy. SEXUAL ENERGY CONTROL TECHNIQUES FOR MEN
![]() ![]() To justify in any way his inferior tendency he will try to find various external pretexts. In fact, the reason is only the animal tendency that comes from the subconscious mental. For this reason, it is necessary, for those that are still confronting with such inferior tendencies, a hard training, and an adequate inner discipline. In this sense, the yoga practice could offer the necessary and sufficient conditions to successfully practice the sexual continence. ASWINI MUDRA One of the most efficient methods to avoid the discharging of the sexual potential is to practice ASWINI MUDRA for long time periods. ASWINI MUDRA means the strong contraction of the anus muscles and maintaining this contraction as long as possible. This technique, which is extremely simple can be easily done in the "dead" times during a day (during bus or car traveling, etc). Though it seems to be something extremely simple, yet ASWINI MUDRA has amazing effects in obtaining a very good control of the sexual energy if this technique is sufficiently practiced. INTERMITTENT URINATE This process implies the successively contraction and the relaxation of the urinary sphincters during the micturate. The process permits to get the skill of control the sexual mechanisms and to have the consciousness of some process occurred during the discharging. It permits also to anticipate and to avoid the climax, to experiment the orgasm without wasting the sexual energy. Do not confuse the states of unsatisfying or impotence, when the man doesn't feel erotic pleasure, with orgasm without sexual energy discharge, which it is strongly euphoric and regenerating. SLOW PENETRATION To obtain a perfect sexual continence you have to start the intercourse having a transfiguration vision of the erotic attraction between a man and a woman and keep this transfiguration during lovemaking. Both lovers have to understand that the sexual attraction has its roots in the primordial attraction between the masculine principle and the feminine one; these two principles govern the entire creation. That is why the lovemaking with sexual continence is a spiritual path through which the lovers can immerse themselves into the primordial love that springs from the fusion between masculine and feminine principle. Thus the lovemaking with sexual continence is a way of rediscovering the UNITY. ![]() Do not rush and take sufficient time and a lot of patience and love. For the beginning you have to learn to penetrate your lover very slowly and to be aware of the pleasure states that occurs. If you feel that the excitation increases very much, you have to slowly withdraw the penis so only 1-2 cm of it remain in the vagina. Stay motionlessly in this position. (In the case that you feel the ejaculation impends, quickly withdraw the penis, with a suddenly move). Inspire deeply, hold your breath; contract the pelvic muscles (the anal sphincter muscles and PC muscles). Simultaneously focus your mind over the sperm retention. Imagine your sperm retention. Imagine that an inner alchemy force transforms your sperm in energy. This will help you to avoid ejaculation. Then focus your mind in order to sublimate the enormous energy that is contained in the sperm. Sublimate it in psychic, mental and spiritual energies by letting the energy of love to suffuse you. After this short break, that can last 10-50 sec or more depending on your necessity, you can gradually and cautiously resume the penetration movements. If you feel that the excitation is still very intense, you can do many times the above-mentioned method. The method is also valid for your lover having an increased efficacy if both of you practice it simultaneously (even in the case that one of them hasn't reached the preorgastic level).