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S E X U A L E N E R G Y C O N T R O L T E C H N I Q U E S ![]() ![]() For successfully practicing of the sexual continence it is absolutely necessary to have a perfect control over the inferior instincts which pushes many people, because of their weak will and of the absence of their profound understanding, to be attracted by the temptations and in this way to waste themselves being involved in a primitive sexuality practice. For this reason, the practice of some special techniques is extremely useful both for women and for men. Here it is a group of techniques easily to be practiced, which can represent an important step in continence practice: CONTROL TECHNIQUES FOR WOMEN In many cases, the sexual continence practice is spontaneously for women, many of them practicing the continence without knowing this and testing delightful pleasures of the multiples orgasms, without sexual energy discharges, not exactly understanding what is happen. From this point of view, the women are confronted with fewer problems concerning the continence. The woman can have multiple orgasms during lovemaking with continence. Some women which are exceptionally gifted and very much erotically awaked can reach hundreds orgasms in only one erotic fusion. Each times the amplitude and the profoundness of these orgasms differs and in the end the woman isn't anymore exhausted, but she is full of effervescence and vitality. She has also an extraordinary inner availability to restart the intercourse with an increased energy. ASWINI MUDRA One of the most efficient methods to avoid the discharging of the sexual potential is to do, for long time periods, what in yoga terminology is named ASWINI MUDRA, the strong contraction of the anus muscles and maintaining as long as possible this contraction. This technique, which is extremely simple can be easily done in the "dead" times during a day (during our bus or car traveling, etc). Though it seems to be something extremely simple, yet ASWINI MUDRA has amazing effects in obtaining a very good control of the sexual energy when this technique is sufficiently practiced in time. INTERMITTENT URINATE This process implies the successively contraction and the relaxation of the urinary sphincters during the micturate. The process permits to get the skill of control the sexual mechanisms and to have the consciousness of some process occurred during the discharging. It permits also to anticipate and to avoid in this way the climax, to experiment the orgasm without wasting the sexual energy. Do not confuse the states of unsatisfying or frigidity, when the woman doesn't feel erotic pleasure with orgasm without sexual energy discharge, which it is strongly euphoric and regenerating. ![]() The reaching of the orgasm for a woman, even in many frigidity cases, can be easily got if it would be consumed more liquids before the lovemaking than usually. During the intercourse the woman should relax totally the urinary sphincters, like for urinate. There mustn't be any worries or fears, because even in the case of a very good sphincters relaxation, the micturate doesn't occur, but instead there occur very substantial states of energize and set in the orgasm mechanism, so contributing, in a short time, at the living of the ineffable orgasm state without discharge. Thus, you can reach a very special type of orgasm, the Urinary Orgasm. |