Meditation Music
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P U R V O T T A N A S A N A ![]() ![]() CONTRAINDICATIONS There are not many contraindications known to this asana. However, in severe cases of haemorrhoids the practice of this asana may trigger and even amplify their congestion. However, if the haemorrhoids are in the incipient or medium stages Purvottanasana is very indicated. We also need to keep in mind that the hyperthyroid persons can practice this asana only without bending the head backwards. EFFECTS ON THE MUSCLES AND LIGAMENTS Besides the musculature of the back, which is very stretched in this asana, the muscles of the legs are strengthened and harmoniously fortified and also the shoulders are relieved of all tensions. The wrists become supple and elastic. EFFECTS ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The ortosympathetic system is the first beneficiary of this asana, because it is stretched along the spine. The increased blood irrigation in the spine musculature helps also the sympathetic system, which is highly beneficial for your health. The parasympathetic system is also improved by this action. The contraction of the perineum stimulates thus the pelvic parasympathetic and this stimulation is favourably perceived by all the abdominal organs. The solar plexus is stretched and massaged, and this is beneficial for all vegetative functions. The decongestion of the entire abdominal area eliminates the disagreeable sensations that come along with anxiety states and also eliminates the negative effects of stress that are so frequent in western countries. EFFECTS ON THE ENDOCRINE GLANDS Purvottanasana energizes considerably the endocrine gland. When you bend the head backwards (except in the cases of hypertension, as we already said clearly) the blood is directed to this area, and to the thyroid gland and thus its functions become naturally regulated. Thus, Purvottanasana balances the hypo or hyper thyroid cases. Obviously, we are not discussing a radical and immediate improvement, even with aesthetical effects on the chin, or an elimination of a pathological dysfunction of the thyroid gland, but there will be notable beneficial effects in time, and with practice. Other beneficial effects are on the suprarenal glands and also on the sexual ones, both male and female. The hormonal secretions are balanced and regulated through the practice of this asana. EFFECTS ON THE INNER ORGANS The inner organs from the inferior part of the abdomen, and especially those performing the "negative" or eliminatory functions of the digestive tube are the beneficiaries of this asana. Through the stimulation of the pelvic sympathetic, the excretory functions of the colon are harmoniously stimulated. Thus, this asana fights on a natural way against constipation, without the compression of the abdomen. The kidneys are also toned and the diuresis is improved. The entire genitor-urinary system has to benefit form this process. In the case of a sedentary lifestyle, the organs from the inferior abdomen are literally compressed by the weight of the other organs. This pose decongests them and relieves them from this weight. Among other things, this asana has great effects on the prostrate. In the case of women, the ovarian functions get back to their normal and so does the menstruation.