Meditation Music
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T H E L I O N I N P A D M A S A N A ![]() ![]() Adopt the lotus pose, Padmasana; place your palms on the floor in front of you, then transfer your weight from the hips to the arms, lifting your trunk from the floor until your are standing on your knees and arms. The palms are placed so that the thumbs are oriented towards the exterior, and the rest of the fingers are oriented towards the knees. ![]() ![]() ![]() This position stretches the ligaments of the joints. As the elbows are oriented towards the trunk, you can stay in this position without making any muscular efforts. THE FINAL POSE Through a vigorous contraction of the musculature of the back and of the buttocks, push the navel as much as possible towards the floor. Do the Simha Kriya as presented below, and do not bend the arms. ![]() Consequently, the body has four point of support, the knees and the hands. ![]() This exercise does not imply a relaxation of the upper part of the body, quite the opposite, you need to contract the muscles so as to push the navel towards the floor. IMPORTANT! Do not allow the shoulders to relax, making the head and neck appear hidden in between the shoulders. Keep your head up, just as a proud lion does. THE VARIANT IN ARDHA PADMASANA If you cannot do the lotus pose, Padmasana yet, you can still practice this asana, placing your legs in Ardha Padmasana, alternatively. If you cannot adopt the Ardha Padmasana, simply sit on your knees in Vajrasana and do the Simha Kriya. SIMHA KRIYA OR THE PURIFYING GESTURE OF THE LION This pose can be accompanied by another very valuable yogic pose, especially due to its quality of purifying the mental level. This technique is Simha Kriya, purifying gesture of the lion. It can also be practiced independently, in any moment of the day, even if it is not accompanied by an asana. With your mouth closed, turn your tongue so that its tip and posterior part touches the palate, pressing hard with the tongue on the palate. Keep this pressure high during one long and slow inhalation. When the lungs are filled with air, open suddenly the mouth and push the tongue out of the mouth, as a resort coming out of a box, as far out as you can. In the same time, exhale letting out the sound haaa during the whole exhalation. The vibration needs to be a little from the throat. When you empty your lungs, make another cycle and repeat for at least ten times, or even more if you have enough time. THE TONSILS In India, the yogis say that medically, this exercise is really important for the health of the tonsils. The lion gesture not only activates the blood circulation in the throat area, but also the circulation of the lymph in the lymphatic ganglions. Favouring this circulation, we ameliorate the possibilities of defence against infectious micro organisms. THE SALIVARY GLANDS During the entire time while we do Simha Kriya the salivation is more abundant due to the pressure of the salivary glands. If we swallow this saliva, it compensates to a certain degree an insufficient mastication in any case, the toning of the salivary glands allows that they secret a greater quantity of saliva, whose absence would make the digestion quite difficult and unpleasant. As we most often eat not because we are hungry but because it is the time to eat, and as we eat boiled food that is softer and does not require mastication, our salivary glands do not have the time or the opportunity to function properly. The Simha Kriya performs an internal massage on the tonsils and on the rest of the glands located in this area. This pose can be also accompanied by Mula Bandha, the contraction of the perineal muscles. Referring to these things, we will quote a Dutch doctor, Rana Polderman, a famous yoga therapist: "we would like to underline the importance of the coccyges gland Luschka (Luschka's body) in the yoga practice. The role of this gland is very little known in the contemporary medical science. This is a irregular mass of cells situated on the top of the coccyges, with the size of a pea and oval form. This gland is irrigated by numerous capillaries, and it has autonomous nervous fibers. From a point of view, this gland resembles the "carotidian sinus", located at the level of the throat, and it influences the arterial blood pressure, breath, sleep, and the altered states of consciousness. The energetic channel, nadi that commands this gland from a subtle perspective is called in yoga Vijnana nadi, the energetic channel of knowledge. The coccyges body performs a similar function. While we practice Mula Bandha the nervous terminations of the coccyges body are stimulated. Through its nervous fibers, it is directly connected to the odd ganglion, an autonomous nervous center located close to the top of the coccyges. The western physiology offered this small and terribly important structure only a limited attention." BENEFICIAL EFFECTS This exercise is unique in the sense that it balances the energies in the pelvic area, both in rapport with the legs and with the spine, especially its lumbar area. For thousands of years, the yogis consider that a correct posture of the pelvis is an essential element for the overall balance of the spine. Indeed, if the pelvis is misplaced, there are various deformations of the spine, and first of all the pathologically exaggerated lumbar curve. The practice of Simhasana in Padmasana stretches the muscles and ligaments responsible with the correct position of the pelvis and mobilizes the hip joint. We forget too often that the pelvis is like a mono-block. It is good to remember that it is partly made of two main parts that give it the concave form, the iliac bones, and on the other hand of the sacrum with its appendix, the coccyges. It is thus important to be aware of the fact that the pelvis has joints. These joints are four and they allow only small movements but which have their reason of being. If these joints are not in their proper place, the lower part of the back may cause terrible pain. A large part of all lumbar pains are cause by these dislocations. Simhasana in Padmasana improves the flexibility. The people who have practiced this asana perseveringly gave testimonies of acute lumbar pains that disappeared through daily practice. Nonetheless, we need to remark that the practice of Simhasana in Padmasana is useless in times of crisis. We have to wait until the crisis is over, in order to be able to benefit from this asana. |