Meditation Music
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T H E O Y S T E R P O S E ![]() ![]() HOW TO DO IT This is a pose of bending forward, but it is not a variant of the Claw Pose, Paschimottanasana. In the case of Paschimottanasana, one of the purposes is to stretch the spine. Through The Oyster Pose, we do not stretch the spine, but we merely bend forward and thus its effects are clearly different from the Claw Pose. THE STARTING POSITION Sit on the floor with the legs stretch to the front. Firmly place the soles together and bend the knees, so that the projection of the legs on the floor will form a rhombus. ![]() THE FIRST STAGE Insert your arms through this "rhombus", allowing them to slide beneath the knees so that the palms are set on the exterior side of the soles. ![]() The elbows touch the floor. The distance between the perineum and the heels depends according to each person's constitution. STAGE TWO Before going into this asana it is advisable that we make sure that all the muscles of the hips and shanks are relaxed. Thus the effects of this asana on the joints and legs are more powerful. Bend over in several smaller movements, not all at once. Bring your head closer to the floor with each exhalation. ![]() ![]() In the case of a perfect execution of this asana, the forehead touches the floor, and the heels touch the crown of the head. Stay in this position as long as possible, without forcing yourself. Breathe deeply and calmly. CONTRAINDICATIONS There are no contraindications to this pose. FOCUS Focus to perceive the activity of the subtle energy center Anahata Chakra, deep interiorisation. Perceive the awakening and increase of the divine love within. The body becomes as a shell holding inside, in silence, the pure white pearl of the immortal Self, whose eternal presence we now perceive. EFFECTS The main effects of this asana are primarily perceived at the level of the spine and equally on the level of the joints. The special action on the spine leads to the relaxation of the nervous spinal roots and tones the entire body. The pressure of the spinal liquid is modified and thus this influence is beneficial. The femoral articulations are very important. Generally people start thinking about these joints only when there are pains related to them. Any decrease in the mobility of the joints generates suffering. The Oyster Pose acts on these joints, making it mobile and elastic. The Oyster Pose also makes the knees face a new and unusual effort; therefore, the influence of the knees is highly beneficial. This asana is also a very good preparation for the Lotus Pose, Padmasana. |