Meditation Music
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T H E P O S T U R E O F S P I N N I N G T H E T R U N K ![]() ![]() Nonetheless, although these two asanas have many common aspects, the posture of spinning the trunk generates in one's being special and characteristic effects. The very powerful actions on the digestion, as well as the regeneration of the internal organs are only two of the most notable benefits deriving from the practice of this asana. THE LEFT SIDE STARTING POSITION Stand, soles parallel, arms relaxed. THE FIRST STAGE During inhalation move the left leg forwards as much as you can. Rotate the right foot so as its sole is perpendicular on the direction of the left sole. Bend the left leg and keep the right one stretched. Maintain this pose until you feel you are stable in it. ![]() THE FINAL STAGE During the exhalation (through the mouth) bend over to the front and place the right hand on the exterior side of the left foot. Spin your trunk in order to do so and lift the left arm next to the head, palm facing up. ![]() The right elbow is placed in the exterior side of the left leg. The head is along the spine, facing left. Keep this pose for as long as you can comfortably stay in it, without having any pain or discomfort. FOCUS ON THE LEFT SIDE Concentrate in order to perceive the cosmic energies brought in through the left arm and their location at the level of the solar plexus. Simultaneously, perceive the tellurian energies going up through the legs and through the right arm and their location at the level of Manipura Chakra. Perceive the activation of the subtle centre of force Manipura Chakra and of the secondary centre of force Chandra Chakra - related to the yin type of energy at this level. Perceive a state of enhanced will, and a state of inner strength. Perceive also the intense energy from all the internal organs. THE RIGHT SIDE STARTING POSITION Stand, soles parallel, arms relaxed. ![]() THE FIRST STAGE During inhalation move the right leg forwards as much as you can. Rotate the left foot so as its sole is perpendicular on the direction of the right sole. Bend the right leg and keep the left one stretched. Maintain this pose until you feel you are stable in it. ![]() THE FINAL STAGE During the exhalation (through the mouth) bend over to the front and place the left hand on the exterior side of the right foot. Spin your trunk in order to do so and lift the right arm next to the head, palm facing up. ![]() ![]() The left elbow is placed in the exterior side of the right leg. The head is along the spine, facing right. Keep this pose for as long as you can comfortably stay in it, without having any pain or discomfort. FOCUS ON THE RIGHT SIDE Concentrate in order to perceive the cosmic energies brought in through the right arm and their location at the level of the solar plexus. Simultaneously, perceive the tellurian energies going up through the legs and through the left arm and their location at the level of Manipura Chakra. Perceive the activation of the subtle centre of force Manipura Chakra and of the secondary centre of force Surya Chakra - related to the yang type of energy at this level. Perceive a state of enhanced will, and a state of inner strength. Perceive also the intense energy from all the internal organs. FINAL FOCUS Perceive the harmonious activation of Manipura Chakra and the balance between the solar and lunar energies at the level of Manipura Chakra - the solar plexus. Perceive enhanced self-esteem, and a state of inner balance. |