Meditation Music
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S E V E N G A T E S T O W A R D S T H E U N I V E R S E MULADHARA CHAKRA Location: at the base of the spine, in the area between anus and sex. Symbolical representation: a four petals lotus flower, symbolizing the four nadis or energetical channels coming from here. Represents: the objective consciousness, the concrete, terrestrial consciousness. Controlled psychic function: the will to survive, controls the survival instinct, the inner state of safety, self-confidence on a physical level, desire for material possessions, the chosen profession or job, the feeling of security, the belonging to a group and the group (family) identity. Essential fears: fear of physical survival; abandon from the part of the group, losing the physical order, fear of being attacked or aggressed. Characteristic reactions in cases of energetical disturbances: fear or runaway. The element resonating with: subtle energies of earth. Sensorial organ: nose. Sense: smell. Characteristic color: clay-yellow. THE GROUP TEACHES THE INDIVIDUAL HOW TO SURVIVE On the level of the first chakra, we learn that we belong to a group, to a community, and that we are in close connection to it. On a physical level, this is expressed through feelings such as: stability, safety, survival. When we are born, our life depends on the group we belong to, on our family. Being a part of the group is a necessity on this level, because our fundamental needs of survival (food, shelter, clothing) are provided by the group. At this level there is a difficulty in interpreting symbolically, of perceiving the real significance of the events in our lives. Generally, the human being does not manifest as a conscious being, with a will of his or her own. This sense of identity is developed later on, on stages, from childhood to adulthood. Life begins with the belonging to the consciousness of a group from which we assimilate a system of values, transmitted from one generation to another, but from whom we also take the preconceived ideas, fears, and weaknesses. The interaction with a group teaches us to share our experiences with other people. ALL IS ONE This behavior guide is at the basis of the educational process of children during their first years of life, leading to the emergence of the feeling of belonging. The group we belong to gives us our first lessons of life. It represents the world as secure or dangerous, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, a place to take or a place to give. And the group is the one providing the first information concerning the reality itself. We inherit from our group the attitude towards other groups, as well as a system of beliefs that are a mixture of truth and fiction. Many of these beliefs have an authentic value, representing the various aspects of the fundamental truth synthesized by the expression: "All is one." The process of the spiritual development challenges us to keep only the positive group influences, and to discard all the rest. Our spiritual force grows when we become capable of seeing beyond the inherent contradictions to group teachings and to reach a deeper level of truth. Every time we make a step towards the symbolic consciousness, we bring a positive influence on our energetical and biological systems.