Meditation Music
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S E V E N G A T E S T O W A R D S T H E U N I V E R S E ![]() ![]() Location: the sixth center of force, Ajna Chakra is located on the physical level in the space in between the eyebrows, at the middle distance. It is also named "the third eye" or "Shiva's eye". Ajna Chakra represents the superior mental consciousness, which allows the direct perception of the invisible worlds and the direct perception of the subtler aspects of the manifested universe. On the physical level: it coordinates the activity of the pituitary gland (hypophisis) and of the cerebellum. The hypophysis has a vital role in the sense that together with the hypothalamus it constitutes the command system of the rest of endocrine glands. On a psychic level, it controls the superior intuition, clairvoyance, the capacity to anticipate certain events, the instantaneous capacity of perceiving all the qualities of any human being, the extra-sensorial perceptions. Specific reactions in the case of the harmonious activation of Ajna Chakra: the harmonious activation of Ajna Chakra grants mental insight, telepathic capacities, self-control, mental understanding through intellectual identification, creative intelligence. Ajna Chakra harmoniously activated grants the state of unity, of communion with the cosmic laws, of non-identity with the physical body and identification with its spiritual nature. ![]() At this level occurs an inner enrichment through the access to the superior worlds of the universe. The following stage leads the human being to the most refined and elevated inner perceptions, through the awakening, enhancement and control of the mental energies. Ajna Chakra represents for us the third eye oriented both towards our inner universe, and towards the subtle aspects and mental of the world, to the direct perception of the parallel universes. In the yogic tradition, Ajna Chakra is considered the center of the spiritual perception. The gradual awakening and the opening of the inner vision on this level means in fact the access to certain superior levels of consciousness that we each have potentially, latently, but which we cannot even imagine. The systematic access to these superior levels of consciousness equals evading every day from the limits of the ephemereal daily relaity. Moreover, this means evading from the limited concepts of the consciousness that is mainly focused on experiences and phenomena in which we realize we are one with the Infinite. All these mean also surpassing the barrier of time, space and causality, which are apparently inexorable. In the traditional yogic view, the role of Ajna Chakra as the inner eye is preponderantly manifested as the harmonious integration of the being in the universe. ![]() ![]() Just as the physical eyes help us establish certain rapports with the exterior things and phenomena analogically Ajna Chakra facilitates and puts our rapports with things, entities and phenomena characteristic to mental and astral subtle manifestations. The person who knows how to focus on Ajna Chakra, the space located in the middle of the forehead, gains through this focus a new perspective on the principles and concepts of time, space and causality. The inner focus on Ajna Chakra leads the human being to an extraordinary evolution level in which the apparently disparate multiplicity of events and phenomena can be simultaneously perceived in a harmonious, perfectly integrated vision. The superior, ideal state that characterizes this center of force is an awakening of the consciousness on a level of deep intuition and understanding.