Meditation Music
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S E V E N G A T E S T O W A R D S T H E U N I V E R S E ![]() ![]() Represents: expansive consciousness, the will of power. Symbolical representation: passionate consciousness, dynamism. On the psychic level: it controls the will, the ego, the individuality, the expansiveness, self-control, practical intelligence. On the physical level: it coordinates the digestive processes and the activity of the organs in the abdomen. Specific reactions in the case of energetical disturbance: the person in which the energies characteristic to Manipura chakra will strongly struggle for personal power and the recognition of one's own rights even at the expense of other people's well-being. Characteristic element: the subtle energies of fire. Sense organ: eyes. Sense: sight. ![]() As we already saw in the previous articles, the first center of force, Muladhara chakra is dominated by the desire of survival. The second center of force, Svadhishthana chakra is associated to sexual experience, broadly to the perpetuation of the species. The third center of force, Manipura chakra is associated to the individual's behavior, which will allow him to solve his personal needs: clothing, shelter, food. The main idea corresponding to the third chakra is: "Respect yourself". The energies manifested at this level are oriented towards a better understanding of our own individuality and our own, characteristic manner of manifestation. THE GREATEST CHALLENGE: YOURSELF! On the path of spiritual perfection we are compelled to face all kinds of problems that we need to face daily, under circumstances that are meant to unveil our inner strength or weakness. The main lesson on the third level is to create a powerful individuality, of an identity separated from the group. This third center is the magnetic core of the personality. It is related to the subtle energy of fire, and when the inner fire is harmonious, balanced, it favors the development of some qualities such as self-confidence, perfect health, dynamism, spirit of adventure, willpower, correct assimilation of the food, a high energetic level, the capacity of working long without getting tired. ![]() ![]() If this subtle fire is disturbed, feelings of irascibility, impulsiveness, and conflicts may arise, leading to the preoccupation of controlling and dominating other people. In the cases of Yin disturbances on the level of Manipura chakra the person in question will be fickle, and coward. However, be it a Yang or a Yin imbalance, both attitudes are rooted in the person's fear of being himself or herself. REAL SUCCESS? UNDERSTOOD LESSONS The understanding and acceptance of our own person, the bond created with ourselves is one of the most difficult spiritual challenges of a person. Usually we direct the power of decision to the hands of someone powerful, whom we let to make our choices. Our lesson is to learn to accept ourselves as we are and to make the most appropriate decisions. With each choice we make we acquire a better control on ourselves, and our self-confidence and self-esteem enhances.