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S E V E N G A T E S T O W A R D S T H E U N I V E R S E ![]() ![]() AJNA CHAKRA - THE EYE OF THE INNER VISION The real opening of the third eye equals the combination of analysis and discrimination, characterizing the right hemisphere with the opening and direct access to the intuitive world, characterizing the left hemisphere. This means ending both the sterile intellectualization and the superstition of fantasist "premonitions". The awakening of Ajna Chakra is the harmonious union of these two ways of knowledge into one. On the path of spiritual evolution, the devotee who aspires to the supreme perfection will gradually go through various mental levels, identified by the great yogis as follows: ordinary mental, superior mental, illuminated mental, intuitive mental and supra-mental. These different levels correspond to deeper and deeper awakenings of the consciousness and to the access to increasingly elevated levels. From a fragmented vision of reality, one can reach gradually a sublime overall view. On this superior level, there is a inflaming state of enthusiasm and happiness, accompanied by a spontaneous blossoming of the creative capacities. In this respect, it is known the fact that the awakening and harmony of Ajna Chakra leads to the control of the sexual energies corresponding to the second center of force, Svadhishthana Chakra. The vision corresponding to the sixth center of force is global, unifying, and divine. The person reaching this high level of consciousness considers the phenomena, thins and creatures not only in their surface, but in the same time comprises their essence, considering them from the real center. ![]() However, in the case in which a certain person reaches the level of consciousness of Ajna Chakra, focusing there, then this person has the direct knowledge of the Supreme Self Atman. For this person, there is only a transparent veil, like silk. The Supreme Self is then so close that one might think united with It. Nonetheless, the total union with God has not appeared yet, and it will follow." (Ramakrishna) For a better understanding of this center of force, we have prepared a set of terms explained: Genius - gift inherited from a previous existence, exceptional creative mental capacity in a field. In antiquity, genius usually referred, as Socrates confesses before the Athenian court, to that inner voice that guides the existential trajectory of special people. Later, genius referred to the unique vocation in performing certain works of art, works that are under the sign of perfection, competing with the perfection of nature itself. The works of Mr. Kant include the term genius in this sense of the word. It usually designates the highest degree of natural endowment, with spontaneity, fantasy, intelligence, capacity of understanding the deep sense of the world, self-giving, sensitivity, intuition and so on. Intelligence - term that characterizes the insight and the characteristic function of the mind to quickly establish connections between various aspects of the manifestation. This is also what the etymology of the word "intelligence" suggests: "inter-legere", uniting two senses, that of discriminating and that of connecting. Self-control: the mechanism and the mental capacity of following one's own behavior, especially of one's impulsive reactions, and to ponder, change or stop these reactions, and to come back to normal. Self-control is a fundamental aspect of yoga. ![]() ![]() Objectivity, self-criticism and increased exigency are necessary conditions to turn the self-observation into an effective means of self-education in the yogic practice. Introspection: view or perception oriented towards the interior, towards one's own states and inner experiences. Above all, this term defines a real, genuine phenomenon or dimension of the psychic. In the perception of the object is also included the self-perception of the observer. In the knowledge of the world is also implied the knowledge of one's self. The self-awareness and the awareness of the world are impossible to be separated. The inner experiences reunite the inner part of one's being with the outer part. Introspection is an important method in yoga, because with it one becomes aware of, and can examine and describe one's own mental and spiritual inner experiences. Through superior introspection, the human being can reach easier the revelation of the Supreme Self Atman.