Meditation Music
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S A N P E D R O C A C T U S TRICHOCEREUS PACHANOI, fam. CACTACEAE This herb was used by the ancient inhabitants of the Northern America with ritualistic and medicinal purposes. The samans use slices of this plant to prepare a drink that will get them into trance for clarvoiance and healing purposes. Used in small quantities, this drink has remarkable aphrodisiac effects. USED PARTS: leaves, flowers, and seeds. It acts as a stimulant aphrodisiac. RECIPES: Take sublingually powder made of blossomed ends of the dried herb, in quantities of 0.5-1.5 grams, every six hours, four times a day. Keep the powder under your tongue for 15-20 minutes, then swallow it with some water, and maybe honey. For its aphrodisiac effects, take 3-4 grams at one time, four hours before lovemaking. DESCRIPTION Body: Numerous branches, more or less tree-like to 19.5 inches (6m) high. Stems bluish-green, slightly frosted when young, dark green when older. Ribs: [4-]6-8 with a deep, horizontal depression above the areole. Areoles/Spines: Spines often wanting, from 3-7 dissimilar, dark yellow to brown to .75" (2cm) long when present. Flowers/Fruit: Very fragrant, night blooming white flowers to 9" (23cm). DISTRIBUTION: From 6500-10,000' (2000-3000m.), Chanchan valley, Ecuador. The seeds of this cactus contain derivatives of lysergic acid, with notable tonic effects of the uterus. Small quantities of this drink are used as an aphrodisiac. A highly powerful aphrodisiac is made of two or three grams of the dried bark of the cactus. This cactus used to play the most important role in the sexual life of the Amerindian tribes alongside coca and white torch cactus (Trichocereus spachianus). The seeds of this cactus contain derivatives of lysergic acid, with notable tonic effects of the uterus. RECIPES: An aphrodisiac dose is of 2-3 seeds, and the psychedelic dose is of 4-6 seeds. CAUTION: Because the concentration of substance in the seeds may differ, please use this herb carefully. |