Meditation Music
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I N C R E A S E Y O U R S E X U A L A P P E T I T E ![]() ![]() Calcium - is a mineral essential in the good function of the central and peripheral nervous system. Among other things, the absence of calcium leads to the decrease of the libido, and in more serious cases it leads to an accentuated loss of the erotic vigor, even to faint. Administrating calcium as synthetic pills or powder has a relative effect, as in some cases it is not assimilated, and in other cases it may occur an over dosage. Therefore, the most appropriate thing to do would be to find to aliments that are richer in calcium: milk and diary products, eggs, beans, peas, carrots, celery, apples. Potassium - is a mineral element of the greatest importance for the organism, as it has a significant role in the majority of the metabolic processes of the organism. The required dosage of potassium for an adult man is 2-4 grams a day. The absence of potassium leads to serious disorders such as: nervous hyper excitability, muscular cramps, changes in the cardiac rhythm and in some rare cases even the death through cardiac arrest. The influence of potassium on male sexuality and potency is indirect, reflected by its influence on the vital processes of the organism. ![]() Aliments containing potassium are: potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables in general, whole cereals, sunflower oil and seeds, fruits - grapefruit, pineapple, oranges, grapes. Magnesium - has an important part to play in a series of vital processes in the human body, influencing the cell metabolism and certain hormonal processes. It is useful in the treatment of vascular diseases, whose direct consequence often is male impotence, and in fighting certain urinary disorders. In cases of psychic diseases and disorders, manifested through insomnia, trembling, and lack of synchronization of one’s gestures we recommend an increased and balanced intake of magnesium, preferably from natural sources. Phosphor - is a mineral on whose presence depend all processes of assimilation, and of cell metabolism from within our bodies. The daily portion of phosphor is approximately 1-2 grams per day. The symptoms of the lack of phosphor are anxiety, hyper excitability, slowing of the mental processes, difficult control over the movements, deterioration of the teeth, muscular asthenia, severe weakening of the immunity. Phosphor is found and easily assimilated in milk, cheese, and spawn. ![]() ![]() Some of them are directly involved in the hormonal processes of the gonads and hypophysis, while others influence indirectly yet powerfully the sexuality through the major action they have in preserving the vitality of the organism. We also need to underline the fact that very many of the useful substances presented in this article have an extraordinary influence on the psychic, confirming the theories according to which the way we eat is significantly influencing the way we live, feel and think. In the light of these fact, it is preferable a pure, balanced diet, as this is available to us in the fresh fruits, vegetables, and diary products. |