Meditation Music
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T Y P E S O F F O O D F O R In the following, we will present to you certain remarkable aliments that have regenerative and balancing qualities for the sexual and vital potential, from the point of view of the energetic polarity Yin-Yang. ![]() ![]() For a plus of Yang energy, the regime no. 7 of the Japanese doctor George Oshawa is quite effective. This diet lasts for ten days, during which you will eat only Yang cereals: complete wheat, complete rice, millet and buckwheat. These cereals are boiled or broiled, adding salt according to the taste. You may drink water, and, when necessary, take some medicinal herbs. This diet has brought to end different cases of premature ejaculation, impotence due to excessive use of alcohol and narcotics, diabetes, cancer, and leuconevraxitis. This diet is mainly recommended to persons who tend to be obese, with an excess of adipose tissue and fat. This diet improves the control over the sexual and vital energy, and is extremely effective in overcoming premature ejaculation and nocturnal pollution. ![]() Stimulates all the vital processes and is a valuable rejuvenating aliment. If you want to increase your sexual appetite (which has gone down because of stress or of a momentary state of emaciation/exhaustion), you will notice the first results after only two weeks of daily eating pollen. The pollen contains many substances that have a major part in maintaining and increasing the masculine potency, such as: arginine1, zinc (Zn), and vitamins. In the beginning of the cure with pollen you will ingest 15-20 grams of pollen daily, on an empty stomach. For a better assimilation of the active substances in the pollen, you will also chew it for at least 5 minutes before swallowing it. This cure lasts for 14 days, usually, but it may be prolonged to months and even years. Pollen has no negative side effects, nor counter-indication. Besides the stimulation of the sexual activity, the pollen also has notable effects: helps you get to the ideal weight for your individual structure, stimulates the mental processes, fights depression, and brings harmony to the psychic. It is also recommended for the treatment of the vascular disorders caused by insufficient irrigation with blood of the pelvic area, which in time leads to secondary impotence. ![]() ![]() Honey is an effective aphrodisiac for both men and women, having a regenerative effect. It is an extremely nutritious aliment, determining the increase of the sexual secretions, and in smaller quantities (2 teaspoonfuls a day), it leads to the adjustment of the body's weight. It is recommended that you combine honey with the yolk of an egg, or with other refreshing aliments, as well as combined with aphrodisiac herbs. ![]() Mushrooms represent a valuable aliment for persons needing a nourishing and rich alimentation/diet. They are rich in proteins (and because of this are named 'vegetal meat') and vitamins (especially vitamins B1, B2, C, and provitamine A). In the orient, they are considered to amplify the erotic and vital energy, and at the same time stimulate the transformation and sublimation of these energies. Nonetheless, recent research has proven that the majority of the eatable mushrooms have as effects organic and mental stimulation. They are highly recommended for persons confronted with sexual disorders due to convalescence or poor diet. ![]() ![]() Famous as an aphrodisiac plant, celery is a traditional aliment for maintaining and regaining sexual vigour. The leaves are recommended as spices for many kinds of food, or in different vegetable salads (quite useful in rejuvenating cures - especially fir overweight persons). The raw leaves of celery are an excellent incentive of the hormonal activity. The celery root has an overall tonic effect, increases the vitality and the resistance to effort. It is an excellent depurative and it is therefore recommended in the cures of disintoxiaction and against obesity. Celery is a vegetable recommended in the alimentation of the slender persons, owing to its appetitive and stomahic qualities (improves the digestion). It is highly recommended in the vitality cures, as it is tonic for the digestive, nervous, and imunitary systems. It is indicated in the cases of impotence due to kidney and urinary disorders, as well as cardio-vascular disorders. It fights against the states of physical, psychical and sexual asthenia. ![]() Nuts are a highly energizing aliment. They are recommended as aphrodisiacs for both men and women, and especially for people facing physical weakness, critical assimilation of food, anaemia. They are said to increase the quantity of sperm produced in the testicles. Nuts are ideal in replacing meat in alimentation. They are rich in vitamin B12, fact owing to which they are recommended as a basic element in the treatment of impotence and sterility.They are an effective medicine for treating the uncontrolled nocturnal urination. Nuts are recommended for the people who work intensely, physically and mentally. The energy of the nuts is mainly Yang, and consequently, eating nuts increases the Yang energy.