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T H R O U G H T H E P L E A S U R E B E Y O N D P L E A S U R E ![]() ![]() According to the Tantric tradition, the sexual act is more than a reproductive act, as this act has the power to grant states of intense pleasure and happiness, but above all these through lovemaking the two lovers can accelerate their spiritual evolution, with the preliminary condition that their energy is not lost through ejaculation during lovemaking. Moreover, Tantric lovemaking - involving sexual continence - can lead to the manifestation of supernatural spiritual powers (siddhis) that can help surpassing the human condition and the acquiring of the super-human state. Do these things sound like really big words? Maybe so, but the only way in which you can verify this assertion is on your own. Are you tired of passing pleasures, and short and unsatisfying orgasms? Are you tired of lack of depth, and lack of the true love that makes two souls become one in the embrace of eternity? Tantra is a chance, not unique, but extremely pleasant and highly effective, if applied correctly and perseveringly. The Tantric spiritual teachers indicated the idea that the mere pursuit of physical pleasure during lovemaking can be dangerous, as the person may become attached to the sensations of pleasure, or become dependent on them, which will lead to inevitable feelings of fearing the loss of these sensations. ![]() Therefore, the Tantric masters teach us that we can go higher through those very things that usually represent the biggest obstacles for the adepts of other spiritual paths. In this respect, it is quite known the effort of certain spiritual seekers who fervently deny sexuality, but who due to their lack of genuine inner force allow themselves to be invaded by problems and weaknesses that take them further and further away from the authentic spiritual experiences. "Hevajra Tantra" says: "The same things that bound people, free them, yet ordinary people are often deceived, not knowing this truth. A person who does not know the truth will never reach perfection." Tantra is a method which can be approached here, in the world, in the middle of the illusion and which can lead the person engaged on the path towards the Divinity to the achievement of the supreme goal - the Revelation of the Divine Spark within ourselves. Through Tantra, we cross a dangerous place, yet a very fast one of the spiritual evolution: we seek physical pleasure without falling into the trap of hedonism. This differentiation is very subtle, yet crucial. When the physical pleasure is sought without attachment to it, without clinging to it, without having any expectations from it, then it may lead us to the ultimate freedom. Tantra indicates the way to achieve this. A strong aspiration towards the spiritual freedom governs any activity of the Tantric practitioners. This aspiration represents the physical fuel, the positive force that brings energy and light. ![]() ![]() The Tantrics indicate as the most important aspect that the practitioners of the spiritual lovemaking have a brave and optimistic mental attitude. A positive thinking attracts lasting happiness and unbelievable joy. Moreover, the application of physical techniques (hatha yoga and pranayama) helps the control of the sexual energy, which normally is lost through ejaculation (in men's cases) and orgasms with discharge (in women's cases), all these simultaneously with the preserving of the spontaneity and erotic joy. Behold then a unique science and in the same time a unique art: Tantra. |