Meditation Music
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S E X U A L C O N T I N E N C E - A N E W P O I N T O F 1. The man has to completely suppress his tendency or desire to ejaculate, experiencing in frenzy the passion and erotic pleasure, but not letting himself be dominated by it. As far as ejaculation control is concerned, ancient Taoist works recommend frequent interruptions during the sexual intercourse in order to prolong the duration of coitus indefinitely. It allows the woman to experience and to control her orgasm, and her lover to learn gradually how to control his ejaculation, even to suppress it. According to Taoist philosophy the man represents the YANG force (+) and he has got all the male attributes. This principle is a lot more "volatile", "fast" and "active" than the female principle, which represents the YIN (-) force. Comparing man's sexual vigour with the one of the woman, ancient works often use the fire and water metaphor: the fire is YANG predominant and, although it is usually fast and strong, it is often conquered by the water, which is YIN predominant. Nowadays, in the Occident also, ejaculation control is a very important element of sexual intercourse. The most amazing conclusion of the modern sex specialists, Masters and Johnson, is that the man doesn't need to ejaculate at all when he is making love, except for the moment when he wants to have babies. This is extremely important for men, especially when they are over 50. So the Taoist masters say that, "The man needs to take his ability to delay indefinitely his ejaculation to the level of art, until his lover has got to a number of orgasms that is great enough for her. He mustn't leave his seed (sperm) to waste foolishly through ejaculation." There is, in fact, a direct relationship between the sexual potential that exists in the body and the inner force of a human. All humans that have a special inner force have also a powerful sexual potential. The phenomenon is known for a long time and it have been applied for many times in great secret by some kings and leaders who wanted to get power and glory by a strong influence over their servants. Many wise leaders have understood this power of sexuality as a valuable mystery that brings harmony and power in their lives. 2. Ejaculation is exhausting and it isn't, in any case, the man's erotic ecstasy, being assimilated with a great loss of sexual potential, of subtle energy and of vital fluids, which sooner or later, lead to depression and exhaustion. Taoists show us that the male orgasm and ejaculation is not the same thing. Only the unfortunate ignorance makes us believe that ejaculation is the most important point of man's pleasure. After ejaculation the man is tired, sleepy, his ears tingle and his eyes feel heavy. There is an acute sensation of thirst and his members become rigid. During ejaculation he experiences a short, intense but incomplete state of happiness. Afterwards there are many days of exhaustion. If, on the contrary, the man reduces his ejaculation to the minimum and becomes able to control it, then his body becomes stronger, his mind refreshed and his senses a lot more penetrating. The scientific world proved the theory of biological transmutation of matter even in the human body (French scientist LOUIS KERVRAN has researched biological transmutation since 1959). Biological transmutation is the process through which a live organism, in certain conditions, activates nuclear reactions that lead to the transformation of a chemical element in another chemical element. Biological transmutation releases slowly significant quantities of energy. Sperm, in men's case and sexual fluids in women's case, can be transformed into energy. This takes place inside the body. So this energy is huge and it remains in our body on different levels, giving us multiple advantages. 3. Female multiple, ample, cervix-uterus orgasm is extremely important too. All the things presented above are perfectly valid for women, too. The woman has to control the explosive sexual discharge that makes her tired, exhausted and led to losing her sexual potential substantially. Otherwise, she loses her erotic availability. The practice has shown us that if a woman practices love in a controlled manner (through sexual continence), she becomes more attractive and her beauty and shine lasts incredibly longer. This way there is the famous example of RAQUEL WELCH, who has practiced sexual continence in couple for a long time and has admitted that great part of her charm and her power of living her life harmoniously are due to these practices. These three principles are the basis of the eroticism science at ancient Chinese people. Taoists think that completes sexual harmony lead the couple automatically to subtle, harmonious communion with the infinite nature's benefic energies. Thus it opens unthinkable possibilities of access to the invisible, superior levels of existence. The communion between man and woman forms thus a blissful miniature WHOLE, which is in analogy with the MACROCOSMIC WHOLE or THE DIVINE SPIRIT. Here is a significant passage of the Taoist erotic wisdom as a dialogue between the Yellow Emperor and SU NU, his famous sexual counsellor: The Yellow Emperor: "My heart is sad, I have no mood and I miss harmony and peace. What should I do?" SU NU:"Any weakness of a man should be attributed to his wrong way of feeling and of making love. The woman is a lot tougher than the man because of the way she is built and of her sex, just like the water is stronger than the fire is. The ones, who know how to make love without loosing control over their sexual potential, are like two cooks who know how to mix all the five aromas and make a delicious meal. The ones who know the YIN (-) and YANG (+) art in love can mix all the five pleasures into a blissful celestial beauty. The ones who ignore this art will die exhausted, locked into prejudices, without having to know the real value of endless love."