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T H E T A O I S T A R T O F L O V E ![]() ![]() At first impression, the Taoist art of love seems to be a completely different method from the Western points of view on sexuality and erotic techniques. The technique and the practice of the art of love have formed, during centuries, the fundamental principle of sexual intercourse in China. It is important to know that the technique we call here "coitus rezervatus" has been practiced for more than 2000 years without hurting the human sanity and health in any way. The essential principles of this art - control over ejaculation, the importance of the controlled female orgasm, the understanding of the fact that male orgasm is not the same thing at all with ejaculation - are being presented in every serious works on sexuality today. What do Ancient Taoist Texts Say? And what do Modern Sex - Specialists Say? Motto: "While some fall because of the earth, others, intelligent people, raise with the help of the earth." By taking some information from the ancient eastern tradition, modern sexology confirms certain essential aspects on human sexuality. Americans and Frenchmen have published two reports called "THE HITE RAPPORT" and "THE PLENITUDE PROGRAMME". Both studies sustain that the main error that most people make because of ignorance and habit is to think that ORGASM AND EJACULATION (WITH ITS FEMININE ANALOGUE) ARE THE SAME THING. There is nothing more false than that! There can be experienced several orgasms without ejaculation (discharge). Sexology has also made some steps forward in the case of couple harmony. Taking into account the factors that disturb more or less the harmony of a couple (for example the short period of an erotic game), Swedish sex - specialists described a special way of approach called KARESSA. It was time for the state of erotic fulfillment of a couple to appear. They said that making the intercourse longer would cause a fusion and an emotional growing-up of the lovers. As for practice, the Swedish doctors insisted upon making the foreplay longer so that the woman should be more prepared and awoken for the intercourse. It also has to develop on as long intervals as possible, making the ejaculation (discharge) moment come later by approaching some static positions at the peak of pleasure. Western statistics show that the average period of time when a man reaches his ejaculatory orgasm is about 5-10 minutes. And that period has reduced in the last time because of the nervous stress, inappropriate food and especially because of the smoking, the coffee, and the alcohol that diminish a man's virility. In case of women the things are different. The statistics have shown that a woman needs in average at least half an hour in order to get the orgasm. You can see that it is hard for a woman to experience a state of deep satisfaction and erotic fulfillment when the man is not prepared. This is the main cause of women's irritability and irascibility. This situation can be improved only through changing the whole point of view on sexuality. Have you ever thought what was the reason why medical special research shows that 90% from women do not experience the intense pleasure of the orgasm? A Taoist philosopher, WOU-HIEN, said very clearly: "The masculine belongs to the Yang. Yang's particular thing is that it can be easily aroused, But it gives up very quickly, almost instantly. The feminine belongs to the Yin. Yin's particular thing is that it is slow, even hard to arouse, But it is also hard enough to be stopped after awakening." TAO is a wisdom that has been taught for thousands of years. The fundamental idea of the Taoist philosophy is that the energy that penetrates everything and the vital ardour are the source of life. In the universal structure of things and phenomena, the human being is a tiny little creature that cannot hope for harmony or happy life unless it lives in equilibrium with this subtle, macrocosm source of Life and Power. ![]() The ancient Taoist texts recommend frequent interruptions during sexual intercourse in order to prolong indefinitely its duration. It gives the woman the possibility to feel and control her orgasm, and the man the possibility to learn to control himself and his discharge, little by little, finishing by suppressing it completely. The most amazing conclusion that sex - specialists, Masters and Johnson have reached to is that the man does not need to ejaculate at all when he makes love, except for the moment when he wants children. This is extremely important, especially when he is more than 50 years old. The Taoist specialists say that, "The man should cultivate the art of delaying his ejaculation indefinitely to perfection until his lover has reached a number of orgasms high enough to satisfy her. He doesn't have to leave his seamen (sperm) to waste foolishly through ejaculation." Taoists teach us that the male orgasm and ejaculation is not the same thing. Only ignorance can make us think that ejaculation is the peak of pleasure. After it the man is tired, sleepy, his eyes become heavy, they are strangely thirsty and his limbs are numbed. During ejaculation he experiences a short state of happiness and after that there are several days of exhaustion. But if the man reduces and controls completely the ejaculation, he will feel his body a lot stronger and his mind refreshed, his hearing a lot finer and his sight more penetrating. If he refuses the short sensation that ejaculation gives him, his pleasure and his love for a woman increase constantly.