Meditation Music
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T E C H N I Q U E S F O R T H E C O N T R O L ![]() ![]() The coming and going movements should be an ample, supple undulation of the spine, not just a movement of the buttocks. About the movements, the Taoist texts recommend that the coming and going movements be performed in the following pattern that helps the control of ejaculation: three superficial movements and a deep one for 81 times; as this number is the perfect number in the Taoist tradition. You may reach up to nine superficial penetrations and a deep one. Reaching the critical moment, the Taoist practitioners pull out, leaving inside the vagina only the head of the penis. After about 20-30 seconds of stillness, they embark calmly on lovemaking. Another Taoist method to prevent ejaculation is to hold your breath with the lungs filled with air. The tantric practice recommends the practice of Uddiyana Bandha when you feel that the pressure of the sexual energy is to great for you to handle. Jolan Chung, in his book "Tao - the Art of Love" notes that in time pulling out becomes less and less a must. ANOTHER EXERCISE FOR THE CONTROL OF THE SEXUAL ENERGY The cremasterian muscle is the muscle surrounding the testicles and its contractions bring the testicles closer to the penis. This muscle contributes to the process of thermoregulation, with an essential role in the spermatogenesis. During the times of intense excitation, this muscle draws the testicles towards the penis and places the spermatic channels so that the sperm might come out. These muscles are easy to feel and control. Here is a simple technique for the control of this muscle: 1. Awareness stage: First, locate this important muscle. Stand with soles a little spread, close your eyes and focus your attention on the scrotum, opening up to the sensations that appear from this area. 2. Control stage: After locating this muscle, contract it and then relax at will. Perseverant practice may lead you to a full control over this "bag" holding the testicles. A characteristic clue in determining a man's virility is the aspect of the scrotum. Thus, if the skin is flabby, and if the testicles hang inside a flabby scrotum, then the man in cause is not endowed with a remarkable virility, quite the opposite. If the scrotum is "folded" and "tough", with the appearance of a bark, and the testicles are strongly anchored in their container, then the man is strong, and virile. ![]() The researches indicated the fact that the spermatogenesis and the good function of the testicles occur at a temperature three degrees lower than the body temperature. From this point of view, we may understand the Scots. It is important that you pay attention to these muscles. A good method to keep these muscles in their best shape is the scrotal shower as a daily routine. Massage the scrotum and then take a cold shower, as clod as you can bear, focusing on the scrotum. The scrotum is neither sensitive, nor fragile, so you may adjust the pressure of the shower to a high level. All these modalities practiced for a period will definitely contribute to the awakening, stimulation and control of the sexual energy, ensuring you with a satisfactory, strong erection. |