Meditation Music
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S E X U A L I T Y - A N A L C H E M Y A R T ![]() ![]() Sexuality never was "ethical"... it is "non-ethical" in itself. To code the sexual appetite, to put it under norms that are not specific to it, is useless and reveals a lack of knowledge on its great possibilities - the generation of subtle energies. In reality it is a veritable masterpiece of alchemy. There is nothing and nobody to be judged, analysed. It is necessary to understand the nature of our throbs and passions by experimenting. Getting close to our sexuality and us represents a true art. Here the condition is that we maintain a sharp level of awareness, a deep consciousness of the physiological impulses during lovemaking, a clear and distinct perceiving of the subtle processes that give birth to desire and lead pleasure to ecstasy. The Tantric tradition and the Taoist one preserve veritable treasures of knowledge about the alchemic nature of the human sexuality. In order to understand the perspectives of this "trans-personal sexology", we must learn first how to perceive and feel. Learning how to perceive and feel "what it is" is the way to fully achieve the act of lovemaking, not pieced in passing and unsubstantial pleasures. In this way, in order to understand the depth of human nature, the alchemy of "the vibrating energies", we must experience the diversity of the psychosomatic and spiritual phenomenon and discover their intimate processing. When desire is perceived in its subtle, energetic manifestations, a metamorphism of the sexual attraction, which had been strictly organic until that moment, takes place. The pleasure is diffused through the whole body and a state of voluptuousness is born beyond the functions of the human personality (emotions and feelings) and sometimes even independently. ![]() The sexual attraction often precedes the sexual act. When passing from the organic level to the subtle emotional level, this emotion is exceptionally re-lived, but sexual attraction cannot generate a veritable alchemy by itself. The alchemy of the sexual act therefore involves a deep knowledge of one's own sexuality, a total control over the sexual energy and the existence of pure and unconditional love. The "fire of passion" is, above all, a "voluptuousness of the eternity" From a superior point of view, the sexual act is not a simple consummation of a physical, animalistic desire. It is, in fact, an interior aspiration to accomplish the alchemical masterpiece of merging the Male - the Solar principle with the Female - the Lunar one in order to become the perfect human being. This is a new approach of sexuality, which could shock many people. "Could the sexual act help humans reach that perfect state of salvation that mystics refer to?" The answer is simple and very real: YES. The will to love, to please and the effort to make the other happy have their origins in a deep, inner aspiration to become one with oneself in the universal bliss. "The fire of passion" that appears between two lovers, is, above all, a voluptuousness of the eternity. The orgasm is wanted and wished for by people not only because it is a very pleasant and intense sensation, but also because it takes us out from time and gives us the opportunity to feel the taste of eternity. ![]() ![]() Therefore, the orgasm does not necessary correspond only to pleasure; it essentially belongs to that nonmaterial, spiritual nature of ourselves.