Meditation Music
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T H E T A O I S T A R T O F L O V E ![]() ![]() There is a feeling of telepathically union with a gigantic Whole and not a sensation of waste, exhaustion and separation, like in the case of ejaculation. It is a sentiment of strong relation with the Universe. Thus you feel the other on a lot of levels and it is not a selfish, individual spasm that seldom excludes the other one. Once controlling ejaculation, the man can not only keep his vital essence, but has also a lot of advantages. First of all he will never let his lover unsatisfied because he can make love as often as he needs and he is also able to prolong the erotic act as long as he wants. Second of all, each of the two will be able to enjoy the other's essence (the man - the woman's Yin essence (-) and the woman - the man's Yang essence (+)). Thus, both of them will be able to experience an unbelievable, full and spiritualising inner peace that could never be equalized by that of other couples, which make love in a common and inferior way, discharging their potential through ejaculation and losing of control. Once freed of the sexual and emotional tensions and inhibitions, you will find yourself completely changed in a relationship, because of your perfect control over your sexual energies. ![]() Sexuality that is not spiritually integrated is a permanent rush for something outside the self, a search for self-security. Uncertainty can create negative feelings like jealousy or guilt and we often do not even realize that. It is easy to notice that the life of lot of couples becomes boring, monotonous and unhappy after a number of years spent together. One of the reasons is that men lose their vitality through ejaculation when they make love. Thus, they lose their especial Yang energy. Nature is generous and giving but after years of repeated discharge there can be noticed easily a diminution of their sexual appetite. If the couple does not discover spontaneously the way to turn sexual energy into affective, pure, refined energy, their relation is in danger to become a shadow of what it has once been. This energy that can turn into a true love is repeatedly lost through ejaculation. At a certain moment a man can be indifferent or even against his lover when he subconsciously realizes that he loses his powerful energies that could really make him happy, through ejaculation. Then there can be a crisis because there is also a very strong emotional connection between lovers that has been created during years of sexual intercourses and vital discharges. Part of the sexual energy hasn't disappeared and has sustained this emotional connection and he couldn't understand how the relation still exists and he is bored and tired. The diminution of the lust between regular lovers is often due to the diminution of the opposite energies or of the sexual energy. The man has to amplify the Yang energy and the woman has to amplify the Yin energy in order to increase the attraction between them. Certain couples obtain this thing temporary by spending separate holidays, or by sleeping in separate beds. The sexual continence in a couple makes the two lovers know happiness and discover the unlimited erotic happiness. The transmuting practice and the sexual energy sublimation will lead to the elimination of a major brake-up cause, the sexual and emotional fulfillment. It can also solve a problem met seldom in a marriage: the lack of energy to solve certain things. The stress of both parents and the one of the modern fathers who wants to participate in their children's education can destroy a lot of couples. They have never enough time for making love, if one of them is asleep or exhausted. By using techniques of waking up, amplifying and controlling the sexual energy both the husband and the wife can go back to their day-by-day life with new-refreshed vigour and able to see all the beauty around them. When the energy is free to circulate through the whole body even the most boring thing becomes interesting and alive again. Sexual energy is the thing that keeps the body, the mind and the spirit together. As long as it is not integrated harmoniously into your lives you will feel unfulfilled. Tao teaches us that there is infinite pleasure and a gigantic energetic potential in every human being. The vicious dependency upon sex, as emotional food, can be easily overcomed. We can get to this by keeping the seminal fluid inside and by transmuting it into subtle energy. Thus you can experience a state of full happiness even more after the sexual intercourse. The intelligent man can understand that the source of happiness is inside him. When the sexual energy is completely controlled and sublimated to the superior levels of the human being he can even reach the state of cosmic ecstasy, of bliss. ![]() ![]() There are three essential principles that can be found in the Taoist art of love. They are the fruit of an experience that has been accumulated over thousands of years: 1. The man must totally suppress his tendency or desire to ejaculate, by experiencing madly the passion and the erotic pleasure and not letting himself be controlled by it. 2. Ejaculation is exhausting and it is not the peak of the supreme erotic ecstasy, being assimilated with an enormous loss of sexual potential, subtle energy and vital fluids that will lead to exhaustion and sadness sooner or later. 3. There is a special interest on the feminine orgasm, multiple, ample and controlled. These three principles are the basis of the secret art of loving that belonged to the ancient Chinese. The Taoists consider the sexual harmony leads automatically to a subtle union of the couple, harmonious with the infinite nature benefic energies. Thus, it opens unbelievable possibilities to access the superior, invisible existence levels. The union between a man and a woman makes a blissful Whole in miniature that corresponds the Macrocosm Whole and the Supreme Divine Spirit.